FDIC-Insured – Backed by the Full Faith
And Credit of the U.S. Government

Ready When You Are For Protection To Sleep Well


Access Millions in FDIC Insurance by Putting ICS to Work

Gain Peace of Mind

Rest assured knowing that your funds are eligible for multi-million-dollar FDIC insurance protection that’s backed by the full faith and credit of the federal government. ICS (Insured Cash Sweep) is not subject to floating net asset values, so you can feel secure knowing that market volatility will not negatively affect your principal.

Easily Access Funds

With ICS, maintain access to your funds placed in demand deposit accounts or money market demand accounts.

Save Time

Work directly with Affinity Bank― a bank you know and trust ― to access multi-million-dollar FDIC insurance, and forgo the need to use repo sweeps or to track collateral on an ongoing basis.

Support Your Community

Feel good knowing that the full amount of your funds placed through ICS stay local to support lending opportunities that build a stronger community.1

How Does ICS Work?

Institutions, like ours, that offer ICS are a member of the IntraFi network. When we place your funds through the ICS service, that deposit is divided into amounts under the standard FDIC insurance maximum of $250,000. The funds are then placed in demand deposit accounts or money market deposit accounts (using ICS) at multiple banks. As a result, you can access coverage from many institutions while working directly with just one.

You receive one monthly statement from our bank for each service in which you participate, and, as always, your confidential information is protected.

Contact Us to Insure Your Deposit

Call: (678) 742-9990

Email: onlinesupport@myaffinitybank.com

[1] ICS SUPPORTS OPPORTUNITIES TO BUILD A STRONGER LOCAL COMMUNITY. When deposited funds are exchanged on a dollar-for-dollar basis with other institutions that use ICS, our bank can use the full amount of a deposit placed through ICS for local lending, satisfying some depositors’ local investment goals or mandates. Alternatively, with a depositor’s consent, our bank may choose to receive fee income instead of deposits from other participating institutions. Under these circumstances, deposited funds would not be available for local lending. Deposit placement through ICS is subject to the terms, conditions, and disclosures in applicable agreements. Although deposits are placed in increments that do not exceed the FDIC standard maximum deposit insurance amount (“SMDIA”) at any one destination bank, a depositor’s balances at the institution that places deposits may exceed the SMDIA (e.g., before settlement for deposits or after settlement for withdrawals) or be uninsured (if the placing institution is not an insured bank). The depositor must make any necessary arrangements to protect such balances consistent with applicable law and must determine whether placement through IICS satisfies any restrictions on its deposits. A list identifying IntraFi network banks appears at https://www.intrafi.com/network-banks. The depositor may exclude banks from eligibility to receive its funds. IntraFi and ICS are registered service marks, and the IntraFi hexagon and IntraFi logo are service marks, of IntraFi Network LLC.

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FDIC-Insured, backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.  Effective September 15, 2023, the Bank converted from a federal savings association to a national bank, and as a result, the Company became a bank holding company instead of a savings and loan holding company. Affinity Bank is not responsible for and has no control over the subject matter, content, information, or graphics of the web sites that have links here. Please contact us with any concerns or comments.   ©2025-2026 All Rights Reserved