Our Programs.
Specializing in Extended Terms, High Mileage Programs
and Model Year Programs

Join the Next Level Program
Dealers that fund > $75k in the current month will receive benefits the following month

Diesel Truck Program
Add 3 Month to all Diesel Truck approved contracts at no additional rate

Commercial Use Rate Program
Call back approval will include these rate adds to base per the terms listed below on all commercial use vehicles

High Mileage and Older Model Program with Diesel Truck
Details on the High Mileage and Older Model Programs

Auto and Equity Program
Qualifications, Pricing and Structure Guidelines for the Auto and Equity Program

Backend Program
"Backend" refers to approved Service Warranties, Credit life, A&H Insurance and GAP Policies

College Graduate Program
Details on the College Graduate Program, Criteria and Guidelines

Flex Reserve Program
Qualifications, Pricing and Structure Guidelines for the Flex Reserve Program