Top Savings Account Tips

Welcome back to the Affinity Bank blog archive. We’ve returned with yet another entry aimed at helping you improve your financial experience. Today’s subject: top savings account tips. We all know the true value that a good savings account with a reputable banking institution can provide. That said, there are some great steps you can … Read more

The Different Types of Savings Accounts

As you likely well know, beefing up your savings account is a big deal. It can help you out of a myriad of different financial strains, and is a great resource when planning for future purchases. Today, we’ll be going over the different types of savings accounts that are commonly offered. First, there’s something called … Read more

Knowing Your Needs and Wants for Your Budget

As we’ve discussed previously, creating a budget is so very necessary for eliminating common financial stresses. As such, it’s good to plan ahead by having a solid budget plan in place. The first step is knowing what to spend your money on. Try separating your costs into two distinct categories: what’s necessary, and what’s a … Read more

How Identity Theft Can Stop You From Getting a Mortgage

When it comes to buying your home, there are a ton of ducks you need to get and keep in a row. One of your first priorities should be keeping your credit in check. A better credit score and history means a better chance at getting a mortgage with a favorable interest rate. This saves … Read more